
ADMG Group Photo 2024
ADMG group photo 2023 on the dock
ADMG Group Photo 2023 (missing: Garrett Limon)
PDEs 2023 conference dinner at the Bastille, Grenoble, France
Grenoble, July 2023 (from left to right: Christiane Jablonowski, James Kent (ADMG alumn, now U.K. Met Office), Owen Hughes, Anthony Chen)
ADMG Group Photo 20222 on the dock
ADMG Group Photo 2022 (missing: David Wright, Anthony Chen)
ADMG Group Photo 2021 on the dock
ADMG Group Photo 2021 (missing: David Wright, Alex Lojko, Ash Gilbert, Anthony Chen)
PDC18 org committee
Physics-Dynamics Coupling Workshop 2018
dcmIP 2016 org team
DCMIP 2016

Research Areas

  • Machine learning techniques for atmospheric models
  • Great Lakes weather research with coupled atmosphere-lake models: lake-effect snow storms
  • Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) and variable-resolution grid techniques for the dynamical cores of atmospheric General Circulation Models (GCMs)
  • High-resolution (convection-permitting) weather and climate modeling
  • Non-hydrostatic and deep-atmosphere modeling with the Department of Energy Spectral Element dynamical core
  • Development of simpler atmospheric models and test cases for dynamical cores of GCMs, model intercomparisons
  • Impact of volcanic eruptions (Mt. Pinatubo (1991), Hunga Tonga (2022)) on the atmospheric circulation
  • Atmospheric dynamics:
    • Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCSs) and their interaction with the large-scale flow
    • Extratropical cyclones
    • Stratospheric dynamics: Assessments of the tropical Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO), Sudden Stratospheric Warmings (SSWs), the tropical water vapor tape recorder, and the Brewer-Dobson circulation
    • Dynamics of tropical cyclones
  • Subgrid-scale mixing in weather and climate models
  • Physics-dynamics coupling in GCMs
  • Detection of pathways in GCMs (with a current focus on tracer advection)
Flow chart

Example scientific and educational events organized by our group and group alumni:

Life drawing of my talk (credit: https://riva-illustrations.com, invited by the European Commission):
Jablonowski, C. (2020), Frontiers in Earth System Modeling: Where do we go from here?
AAAS Annual Meeting
Seattle, WA

Improving Modelling graphic: A basic map of earth to a globe view

PDEs on the Sphere Workshop 2019

April/29/2019 – May/3/2019
Montreal, Canada

Group photo

Emerging Data Science and Machine Learning Opportunities in the Weather and Climate Sciences

AGU 2018 Workshop, Washington D.C., December/13/2018 (see the workshop page here)

Conference/ AGU Workshop
AGU Workshop

3rd workshop on Physics Dynamics Coupling (PDC18)

July/10/2018 – July/12/2018
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), Reading, U.K.

PDC18 Group Photo (credit: ECMWF)

Group photo in front of rubber ducky's

Updated on Aug/15/2024